Terms and Conditions

Cancellation Policy
For cancellations made between 60 and 15 days before arrival, a fee of 250 SEK will be charged. For cancellations made less than 14 days before arrival, 50% of the total booking amount will be charged.

Modifying Your Booking
If you wish to make changes to your booking, you can do so by calling us at +46 (0) 647-70101 or sending an email to info@storlienhogfjallshotell.se.

Cancellation Due to Acute Illness/Unforeseen Events
During unforeseen events, it is possible to cancel your stay at Storlien Högfjällshotell AB outside the applicable cancellation rules. This means that if you meet and follow the conditions, you can receive a refund of up to 100% of the total amount excluding the 250 SEK fee. Unforeseen events refer to:

- Death, illness, or serious accidents affecting yourself, your fellow traveler, spouse/partner, parents, children, or siblings.
- Other serious events beyond your control, such as extensive fire or flooding in your residence, making it unreasonable to expect you to proceed with your trip.
- You must be able to substantiate your impediment with a certificate from a doctor, authority, or insurance company. The medical certificate should include diagnosis, date of the first doctor's visit, and the reason the doctor advises against travel. Contact with the certifier must have taken place before the trip was due to begin.

For you to receive a refund, the reason for your cancellation generally must be unforeseen, unexpected, and of such a nature that you cannot reasonably proceed with the trip. For example, if you lack the travel documents necessary for the trip, such as a passport, visa, or similar, we do not accept this as a valid reason for cancellation.

Guest Responsibilities
- Monitor your email and be available at the phone number provided at the time of booking.
- Check the booking confirmation as soon as you receive it. Any discrepancies must be reported immediately.
- Follow the rules, instructions, and regulations applicable to hotel rooms, restaurants, bars, pool, gym, sauna, and ski resort.
- You are responsible for any damage that occurs to the property or its inventory due to negligence by you or someone else in your party.
- In case of wrongly triggered fire alarms/sprinklers, you may be personally liable for compensation of approximately 15,000 SEK.
- In case of complaints regarding disruptive behavior reported to Storlien Högfjällshotell AB, we reserve the right to immediately evict the guest from the accommodation/area if no immediate correction is made after warning. In this case, there will be no refund for the remaining stay.

If you have any complaints, you should first contact the reception so that any uncertainties can be resolved during your stay.

You must specify if you suffer from any form of mobility impairment, food allergies, or other disabilities at the time of booking. If you travel with a wheelchair, please contact us at Storlien Högfjällshotell AB info@storlienhogfjallshotell.se or call us at (+46) (0) 647 701 01.

Errors that occur during the stay must be reported immediately. This should be done primarily to the reception at Storlien Högfjällshotell AB. If you have failed to seek correction during your stay and thus have not given Storlien Högfjällshotell AB the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies, you cannot subsequently claim compensation. If you are still not satisfied with the compensation/redress, this should be communicated in writing to Storlien Högfjällshotell AB as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after returning home. If we do not reach an agreement, you can contact the Consumer Guidance Service in your municipality or the General Complaints Board (ARN). Contact details can be found at www.konsumentverket.se and www.arn.se.

Force Majeure
Force Majeure refers to unusual, unforeseeable, and unavoidable events beyond the control of Storlien Högfjällshotell AB, which constitute an obstacle to the trip.

Events that the organizer could not reasonably have expected at the time the agreement was entered into and the consequences of which the organizer could not reasonably have avoided or overcome. Including but not limited to war, threat of war, riot, civil disobedience or strike, governmental action, terrorist act, natural or industrial disaster, fire, severe weather conditions, water levels in rivers or floods, closure of airports, and may also include labor disputes involving third parties, technical problems or maintenance issues, or unforeseen operational decisions from airlines such as changes to the schedule or interruptions in IT infrastructure (including but not limited to our website). Under these circumstances, the organizer is free from liability for damages or other consequences.

General Information
We reserve the right to make changes to times, prices, payment, and discount terms decided during the validity period of the prices. Prices for upcoming seasons are always preliminary.

Please note that special booking conditions apply to group and special orders. For more information, please contact Storlien Högfjällshotell AB.

Storlien Högfjällshotell AB
Geijerbacken 10
83799 Storlien, Sweden